Latest News

Monday , 28 June 2021

Where can I travel in Europe?

Europe has a really good covid situation at the moment. Most of the continent has very few infections. This has to do with a good vaccination program (over 50% of European Union citizens have already received at least one vaccination dose).

So what are you waiting for? This is the Summer to take advantage of! Tell us where you want to go? Between the various departments of Happy Tours we are handling travel to all of these destinations.


Tuesday , 20 April 2021

Financing statement

»Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa „Konkurentnost i kohezija“’ »

»The final recipient of a financial instrument co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Cohesion»